How to Do Reverse Machine Fly? Right Way & Proper Form

In the huge fitness world, where you grind with determination and sweat, the reverse machine fly is the go-to move for shaping up that upper body. It hones in on the often-ignored muscles in the rear deltoids and upper back, giving you that symmetrical and strong look. Check out this guide, where I’ll spill the tea on the reverse machine fly, showing you the right moves and form to score the best results.

reverse machine flyes


 Image source: Pinterest

Understanding the Reverse Machine Fly

Before you dive into conquering the reverse machine fly, it’s key to grasp the anatomy involved in the exercise. This move mainly works the rear deltoids, traps, and rhomboids, which not only enhances your posture but also carves out a well-defined upper back. The reverse fly machine, a versatile gym tool, lets you target these muscles with precision, all while reducing the chance of getting injured.

Proper Setup

To kickstart your journey into the reverse machine fly, begin by setting up the machine to fit your preferences. Adjust the seat and handles until your chest is snug against the pad and your arms are comfortably stretched forward. Make sure the handles are at shoulder height, giving you a solid base for the upcoming motion.

reverse machine fly.


 Image source: Pinterest

Body Positioning

Okay, so now that you’re ready, let’s talk about how your body should be. Stand with your feet not too far apart or close, just like your shoulders. This keeps you steady during the exercise and helps your back feel comfy. Make sure your back is straight, and squeeze those core muscles to get a strong base before you start moving around.

Grip and Hand Placement

When you grab the handles, really focus on how you’re holding them and where you put your hands. Go for a grip that’s a bit wider than your shoulders — it hits those rear deltoids just right. Make sure your palms are looking at each other; it helps your arms move smoothly and keeps your wrists comfy. This way of holding on amps up those muscles we’re aiming for, giving you a stronger and more controlled squeeze.

reverse machine fly


 Image source: Pinterest

Initiating the Movement

Now that everything’s ready to roll, let’s get into how the reverse machine fly works. Start by pulling your shoulder blades back, bringing them together in a smooth way. While you’re at it, keep a little bend in your elbows to steer clear of stressing your joints too much. Picture your arms as wings, gliding apart in a graceful move against the machine’s resistance.

Controlled Contraction and Extension

When you hit the highest point of the move, take a quick pause to feel that squeeze in your rear deltoids and upper back. This short break not only cranks up the effort in those muscles but also sharpens your mind-muscle connection — a big deal for effective strength training. After that, smoothly bring your arms back to the starting spot. Don’t let the weight jerk your arms forward.

reverse fly machine.


 Image source: Pinterest

Breathing Technique

Don’t forget about the crucial rhythm of breathing while you’re at it. Take a breath in as you stretch your arms forward, and breathe out when you’re squeezing those muscles. This steady breathing not only sharpens your concentration but also helps your muscles get enough oxygen, keeping you going strong through your reverse machine fly workout.

Common Mistakes

Even gym pros can slip up on the reverse machine fly. One big mistake is going too heavy and messing with your form. Choosing the right form over stacking on too much weight is super important. This keeps your shoulder joints safe and ensures the exercise works as it should. Keep it smart, not heavy!

Also, watch out for the urge to arch your back too much — it can bring on some lower back ache and mess with the focus on those specific muscles we’re aiming for. Keep your spine straight all the way through, and let your upper back do the heavy lifting.

reverse fly machine


 Image source: Pinterest

Fine-Tuning Your Routine

To level up your reverse machine fly game, try mixing things up with variations to hit various parts of your upper back. Play around with where you put your hands, or tweak the machine angle to throw a new challenge at your muscles. And don’t forget, blending this move into a complete upper-body workout can amp up its impact, giving you a well-rounded fitness routine.


In the fitness world, reverse machine flies are a powerful tool for crafting a strong, well-rounded upper body. By getting the hang of this exercise and nailing down the correct form, you can unlock the full potential of your rear deltoids and upper back muscles. Just keep in mind that becoming a pro at any exercise takes time, effort, and a commitment to getting all the details right.

reverse fly machine muscles worked


 Image source: Pinterest

So, hit the gym floor with confidence, spread those wings, and fly towards a more defined physique. Your journey to a sculpted upper body starts with each precise repetition of the reverse machine fly, building strength and resilience with every graceful wing extension.